Basic CSR Policy

Unique Products through Unique Technologies.

SETOLAS Group strives to contribute to society by mastering the art of developing unique products and creating products that coexist with the Earth.

Basic CSR Policy

SETOLAS Group, recognizing the importance of contributing to environmental conservation, has established the following Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy.

  • To promote the development and manufacture of products that take environmental protection into account.
  • To make an organized effort to conserve the environment with the objective of reducing the environmental impact associated with business activities.
  • To develop human resources capable of recognizing global environmental issues and taking action to alleviate them.
  • To comply with laws and regulations, such as international regulations, national legislation and industry norms.
  • To promote safety, disaster prevention and occupational safety and health.
  • To strive to promote a mutually trusting relationship with society.